Sunday, September 7, 2014

A delicate balance

As we all know, life has some very interesting offerings. There is a delicate balance between harmony and chaos, happiness and despair, order and entropy. I like to think of living my life as making a bowl of clay. You have to start by centering the clay, and calming yourself. If you rush, and the clay is off center, your entire bowl will either collapse or be lopsided. Similarly in life, if you don't center yourself, what you create from this moment on can either blow up in your face, or end up otherwise undesirably. As a ceramic artist I was attracted most to working with clay by the simple rule that the energy that goes into making an object is inherent in that object. I try to let my approach to life's challenges reflect that.
As for introducing myself, I am a daughter, a mother, a wife, a student, and a tiny ant in the great abyss of the cosmos. I am many things, and nothing at the same time. Just like you. Just like all of us.
Art has always been a main focus in my life, be it through painting, ceramics, music, theatre, photography, or just appreciating the beauty of nature. It is a calming release of some of the many emotions and thoughts while come from inside. Though frequently I find that I am unable to express them to my satisfaction.
One of my favorite books growing up was "Voyage of the Basset" by James C. Christensen for its incredible fantasy illustrations. I have always envied the illustrator's ability to share through art what was conveyed in words.
There is a foundation that I deeply appreciate for its work in providing a place for those who hunger to learn more about ceramic arts to delve as deep as they are able. The Archie Bray Foundation website can be found at:
I highly recommend checking it out- even if you aren't into ceramics there is much to appreciate.


  1. The moose they were taking out of the package at was really impressive. I wonder if it is the foundation for a bronze?

  2. I tried ceramics in high school and have a huge appreciation for people who can do it, it is definitely a talent.

  3. I like how you started out the blog introduction, I myself do have an interest in ceramics and it does take a great amount of patience to create art using that style.

  4. I wish I knew how to make my blog this pretty. I liked your clay analogy. Life is what you make it, you get out what you put in.

  5. I dabbled in ceramics in high school and wow, it is tough to make stuff look good. Anyone who is skilled in that medium gets plenty of respect from me.

    Thanks for the archiebray link; I think I'll enjoy poking around over there.
